Written By: Melody Stone
Intro compilation:
(When times are tough... when you feel the overwhelm taking over...
Hang in there Mama)
A compilation is the process of producing something,
such as these many:
inspiring quotes, mantas, encouraging mom talk, mom stories, mom support, mom banter, mom tips and all-around mom love,
and gathering all this information/ collecting it and sharing it (from me to you) in one spot over time... let's get to it.
Often as a mom I feel like I need to be uplifted but often lack the resources...
(I rarely hear anyone ever talk about this feeling of isolation and heaviness, can you relate?)
In Motherhood…
Your patience will be tested…
Your buttons will be pushed…
Your uncertainty of being a good enough mom will take over at times…
But you aren’t alone…
The hard moments shall pass, and you will grow because of them.
I see you Mama, hang in there!
I started blogging for this exact reason... I want to connect with other moms who were struggling. I want to connect with moms (like YOU) and share my experiences, in hope, that these stories can uplift you and other moms too. For moments of overwhelm, for moments when you find yourself searching for someone (any other mom or likeminded human) to connect with, I'd like you to know:
You are not alone. We are in this together. Hang on and let's steer clear of the bumpy waves ahead (or learn to ride them together). Let's learn how to thrive at this mom thing!
Remember this Mama: A moment of MOM INSPIRATION FOR YOU TO STAY ON BOARD:
The days aren’t always going to be easy. Some days you will feel like you are the most amazing mom ever. Other days you may feel like a complete failure, like the world is closing in on you and you can’t breathe. The motherhood journey is unpredictable, and the journey is all about holding onto the love you feel inside of your heart and never forgetting it, even when the times are tough. Holding that love even closer, even when you are so sleep deprived you can’t think. Grasping hold of that deep love, even when you are wanting a break, a moment of solitude, a few minutes in the shower… any uninterrupted escape from the chaos but you aren’t getting it.
Know you aren’t alone in this journey Mama. I see you and I feel for you Mama, let's hang in there together.
Know this…
BE BRAVE... the hard moments shall pass, and you will grow because of them.
Too often we try to rush the hard moments… we try to get past the uncomfortable (it’s human nature to seek comfort).
We rush and try to quickly fast forward in time, only to be left feeling reminiscent of the memories.
Once we have rushed ahead, we long to relive those early moments. To relive those special heart felt moments. To grab hold of those early baby cuddles again and although at the time they are completely exhausting, full of sleepless nights, you will miss them one day. You will miss feeling your baby’s heartbeat against your chest… your baby snuggling skin to skin on your chest as a newborn…the new baby smell… and all the associated good times and lessons. The time will pass… the baby phase goes quickly, so enjoy it. Time will tick on and you will wish you stopped critiquing yourself as a mom and instead just learned to be content in your motherhood role.
Remember, again, … the hard moments shall pass, and you will grow because of them.
Your babies will grow because of YOU.
You are loving.
You are endearing.
You are protective.
You are extraordinary.
You are a mother and there is no higher honor.
Mom/ Mum/ Mama/ Mommy/ Ma/ Mamma….
This is a compilation for all of you.
A motherhood compilation… the beginning and first post to THE MOTHERHOOD COMPILATION on this blog… many more to come… in honor of YOU. Embrace your journey of growing as a mother.
Post 2:
Welcome Gratitude Into Your Heart
Stop... pause for a moment... look around and breathe...
Take a step back today, look at all those beautiful things you have.
Be grateful.
Welcome gratitude into your heart.
Gratitude is expressing a readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness.
How can we accept gratitude into our life?
Focus on what is good in your life...
I am grateful to be a mother.
I am grateful to have a child.
I am grateful to have a home to live with my family, clean water, friends, good food to eat, a safe bed to sleep in and so forth.
Pause for just a second, a moment, and be grateful. Even if life isn’t perfect, be thankful for the life you get to live, for the adventure, for the stories, and for those you are blessed to love.
Why is gratitude so powerful to us as mothers?
I’ve heard that the highest form of gratitude is appreciation.
To appreciate something is to be grateful for its existence.
In motherhood we must appreciate all that we have conquered and continue to conquer along our motherhood journey.
I often post random photos that I take of flowers, twigs, bushes, trees and trails on my blog… these photos remind me of how beautiful and appreciative I am to be in tune with nature. To stop, smell the flowers and to stop being distracted by everything that life throws at me (even if it is only for a few moments before my babies need me again).
Do you feel distracted often? Like you literally cannot have a minute to think… you cannot even get a second to think for yourself without being interrupted by the world, some sort of problem or your littles demanding of you?
In motherhood, you very rarely have a minute to yourself. Even more so as a stay-at-home mom (from what I’ve experienced on my solo parenting journey with my three boys these past 9 months). I remember reading meme’s and seeing funny posts about parents sitting in their bathroom for long periods in hope of silence/privacy only to be interrupted or have all the kids trying to break into that Zen mommy moment. I can totally relate to that now. I often try to escape, momentarily, to the bathroom to have a mommy break, even for a split second.
Half the time I am showering with my door open and peaking out the curtain to make sure everyone is still breathing, getting along and or not trying to climb into the shower with me (at least I got my shower in, props for that, right?).
I am in the shower...singing a baby nursery rhyme, singing along with it blasting in the background of my ever so supposed Zen moment (not so much), in hope that by doing so I can distract or calm my babies for long enough to shampoo and condition my hair. Once I have escaped the shower… I am frantically chasing my toddler around in my towel, dripping all over the place and feeling like a wet dog about to shake frantically in attempt to dry off and warm up, all of this is because he suddenly decided to poop in that 2-minute interval (convenient timing) that I decided to clean myself and now needs a bum change. Sigh....
Circling back… I appreciate having the shower, having a sweet little toddler to chase around and call me Mommy and I wouldn’t have it any other way... right?
As Mothers, we need to remind ourselves (let’s face it… a lot of the time) … that...
although the challenges come quickly and seem to be continuously challenging us, causing us to question ourselves as beings and continuously challenging our patience, the appreciation and gratitude that we feel for our children is what makes us stronger.
As mothers it is in our best interest to push past those challenges, despite how hard they may seem, and to grow through them.
Gratitude sweetens even the smallest moments.
Gratitude can unlock the fullness of life.
The more grateful that we feel the more joy we will feel in every moment with our children; even when those moments are filled with doubt, challenges, or tears of overwhelm.
Joy is the simplest form of gratitude. Stay thankful, grateful & blessed.
How does one nourish a soul that often feels depleted? ...see my next blog post....